The first smaller meeting of this project took place between the 13th and 15th of August, in Nagymaros (Hungary). The emphasis of this meeting was on identifying age-appropriate approaches to training courses regarding safety measures, technical knowledge, skills and different types of climbing.
We started the meeting with presentations of the national results and the final report of the analysis we conducted in all 5 countries. We had a final discussion, where we compared partners’ countries, and identified the areas where improvements would be necessary, the biggest issues and how to overcome them.
We spent most of the weekend discussing, and sharing knowledge, methods and experiences. We recognized key factors influencing the development of young climbers and specified the age-specific stages of this development. As a part of the discussion, we started preparing age-appropriate guidelines for working with youth, which is one of the main outputs of this project.
We finished the meeting by planning the upcoming camp in Kalamarka. Most of the work was already done, we just had to resolve some remaining questions and problems.
This first in-person meeting was a nice start to this project. Although the execution of the meeting was a bit smaller than planned because of the pandemic, we are still happy that we managed to meet in person and do all this work.
More info about the meeting and results is in the attached report.