Coordinator of the project:

Mountaineering and climbing club Domžale (MCD) – ; President: Helena Kermauner; Address: Kopališka cesta 4, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia
Mountaineering and climbing club Domžale was founded in 1948, first as a support for the intended construction of the mountain hut on Velika planina. During the next years, the club has diversified in its activities, which has been reflected in the structure of its sections. Nowadays, different sections combine around 700 members. MCD is affiliated with the Alpine Association of Slovenia (i.e. Planinska zveza Slovenije).
The Mountaineering section, with one of its main goals being education, has around 30 more or less active alpinists and sport climbers. Alpinists and climbing instructors organize a mountaineering school and few climbing camps on a yearly basis.
The Sports climbing section has a permanent climbing wall and organizes climbing schools for about a hundred children and youth under the supervision of registered climbing instructors.
The mountain hut Domžalski dom on Mala planina (1534 m), is maintained by the Economic section of MCD. The Section for trail marking helps to maintain, clean and mark mountain paths as MCD has more than 50 km of mountain paths assigned.
The Section for nature protection, which engages in problems related to nature conservation, is in observation mode for a few years now.
The Guide section unites guides of Alpine Association of Slovenia (AAS) in the club. 15 AAS guides organize hiking trips for all club members and carry out around 20 trips per year.
The Youth Section organizes children and youth activities in primary schools and has approximately 15 hiking trips per year and two hiking camps in the summer.
MCD also has a Heights and ruins rescue unit, which performs protection and rescue tasks within the Protection and rescue system of the Municipality of Domžale.

Horolezecký klub Atlas Opava, z.s. (HKAO) – ; President: Martin Horňák; Address: Masarykova třída 199/9, Opava, Czech republic
HKAO is a climbing club from Opava. It was established in 1992 and it became a member of Czech mountaineering association (CMA) in the same year. It started like a small club of few climbers, but it has more than 130 members these days, mostly children and youngs. Our club has our own climbing wall, where regullary trainings for children are organized and one new small bouldering gym, where are also trainings for children and adults. Basicly the work of the club is focused on children and youngs – training, competitions, climbing trips to rocks and summer camp in nature. Children from our club compete in national competitions for youth. We also organize a championship of Czech Republic in adventure races for children and open races for adults. HKAO, and also CMA, cooperate for many years with other clubs and associations, especially associations from Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary.
Main goals of HKAO:
- organise trainings, competitions, trips, summer camps and other activities for children
- support children, youngs and adults in healthy sporty lifestyle
- education in the area of sport climbing, mountaineering
- nature protection and promoting ecology

Horolezecký klub Horec Liptovský Mikuláš – ; President: Vladimír Paulík; Address: Vojenská akadémia SNP, 03101 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika
Mountaineering club Horec Liptovský Mikuláš (HK HOREC) was founded in 1995 in Liptovský Mikuláš and is a member of Slovak Mountaineering Union JAMES (SMU JAMES). Members of the club are significantly involved in organizational work at national level, being part of the Executive Body of the SMU, leading the Youth Commission, and active in the Methodical Commission.
Main focus and goals of the club:
- Youth attraction – the popularization of climbing among children
- Organization of summer camps for children and trips for adults
- Education in the area of sport climbing and mountaineering – training of novices and preparing instructors, participating in educational system of Slovak Mountaineering School JAMES
- Sport activities – indoor sport climbing, bouldering, rock and traditional climbing, ice climbing, ski alpinism, mountaineering
- Protection of rock climbing areas and nature
- Methodical trainings about safety in mountains
Many club members are active in organization and lecturing methodical courses of educational institutions of SMU JAMES that prepares instructors and teaches them about mountaineering, sport climbing and ski mountaineering (mostly for Slovak but also for international residents). Some of the members reached great performance in sport climbing, representing the club in sport climbing competitions.
Club is closely associated with the university „Armed Forces Academy of General M.R.Štefánik“ and takes part in cooperation between SMU and armed forces of Slovakia through its active military members. It has a wide network of contacts on the national level, including the majority of mountaineering clubs in Slovakia. HK HOREC, and also SMU JAMES, have a great relationship and cooperates for years on international level with Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.

Magyar Hegy – és Sportmászó Szövetség (MHSSZ) – ; Address: Károlyi István u. 10. 24. ép.Hungary, Budapest
The Hungarian Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation is a non-governmental organization responsible for organization and implementation of climbing training programs, protecting climbing areas and providing financial and technical background for the sustainability of climbing in Hungary. The association supports educational programs on both professional and non-professional levels. The Federation is connected with more than 3000 members and 37 clubs on a daily basis in Hungary. The MHSSZ has strong working connections with the Slovenian, Slovak, Czech and Croatian Climbing Associations.
Main Focuses of the Federation:
- sport – alpinism, sport climbing, bouldering, ski-mountaineering
- maintenance and protection of rock climbing areas, the sustainability of outdoor sports
- education – training of novices, climbing trainer courses in collaboration with Semmelweis University
- competition climbing, control and support of Hungarian National Climbing Team
- the popularization of climbing among children and in schools.

Sportsko penjački klub Fothia, (SPK Fothia) – ; President: Krešimir Morić; Address: Poljana Jurja Andrassyja 10, Zagreb, Croatia
SPK Fothia is a sport climbing club under the Croatian mountaineering association. The club has two climbing halls, one with climbing walls only for bouldering, and the other with climbing walls for lead climbing and bouldering. The club has approximately 500 active members, both competing and recreational. The competing team has around 90 children and adults, who regularly compete in national and regional competitions, with some great results such as boulder junior champion, Borna Čujić, in 2016. The club is led by 15-20 experts in climbing, training and management. Croatian mountaineering association is constantly in collaboration with associations and clubs from Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech and Hungary.
Main goals and program of the Club:
- outdoor and indoor sport climbing schools for adults
- climbing training for adults and children
- education of climbing trainers and competition judges in collaboration with state institutions
- organizing climbing competitions- nationals and regionals
- the popularization of climbing among children and adults